How to cancel an appointment?

In order to cancel an appointment you should log in your profile and select the section “Appointments”. Under this section you will see all your appointments you have made electronically – both earlier and actual.

In order to cancel an appointment you should find the respective appointment you would like to cancel and click an icon resembling a dustbin and situated at the end of the particular appointment, in order the appointment would be deleted. When you click on this icon, there will be an additional confirmation message opened in your window in order to make sure, whether you really want to cancel the particular appointment. After the confirmation, the appointment will be cancelled and its status will be changed from “Confirmed” to "Cancelled". Next to the particular appointment you will see also the period specified until which it is possible to cancel the appointment electronically. If the end of this period is missed, and you would like to cancel the appointment, please contact with the registration desk clerk of the particular institution.